I made a PCB business card which powers a microcontroller using NFC. It also transmits my contact info over NFC! Runs an ST25DV64K for NFC and energy harvest, zener diode voltage regulator & an STM8L101F3 low power 8 bit MCU to toggle LEDs. Check out my original reddit post with a GIF showing it in action: https://www.reddit.com/r/electronics/comments/efz9xf/my_nfc_powered_blinky_business_card/
NFC Card Schematic.pdf
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01/27/2020 at 03:06
Ok, we're in 2023, but it's still cool. By the way, I have a business idea, but I am afraid of starting it. Fortunately, I found https://paperap.com/free-papers/business/ that made me think that I could do it. It offered me some information on this topic and I really appreciate the free essays on business I read on this source.
Really cool project. How much power are you able to harvest with the current design? and is the project open source? I wanted to created something like this but with a twist it will save with the layout.
hi, this is quite close to a little project I am trying to make, wondering if you could help me