RevAC - Firmware and CubeMX.7z

Microcontroller pin mapping (aka hardware-firmware interface) using STM32 CubeMX and complete firmware for AC6 system workbench. Includes display driver. Tested during real PCB assembly and works like a charm.

7-Zip - 823.35 kB - 08/30/2020 at 15:10


RevAB - Electrical, KiCad.7z

Kicad electrical drawing, pdf included.

7-Zip - 245.44 kB - 01/31/2020 at 20:49


RevAB - Mechanical, Freecad.7z

Freecad 3D models for all the components (control box and handheld dispenser).

7-Zip - 5.40 MB - 01/31/2020 at 20:46
