All the batteries for my cordless drill are not working properly anymore. Instead of buying new battery packs I decided it's easier and more reliable to just hook it up to a power supply and run it from there.
I plan to have a system where I could change between cordless and corded when needed.
I am pretty much done with what I have set out to do. I now repurposed the battery case so that it now has a wire to connect directly to my power supply.
There's nothing really special with what I did with the case. I used some metal pieces and strapped them to a sintra board. This piece will go inside the case and would serve as the contact points for the drill.
The weird looking white shape on the right of the above picture serves as a stand in place of the batteries. This will help keep the contacts firmly at the end of the case.
So as you can see in the video the whole thing works. In the future I'll try to look for a dedicated power supply for this although finding one with a high enough amp draw will be difficult.
Hooking up the drill to the power supply is easy and did not take me a lot of time.
The project could have ended here but I wanted something a little bit more safe and reliable. My plan is to improve this setup so that it would be easy to hook up the drill to the power supply.
Also, as an added feature, I should also be able to swap between corded and cordless at will. This will be done by modifying one of the old battery packs so that it would be wired.
Right now there are some issues that I hope to address. For example, my power supply currently can't handle the amount of power the drill needs when it needs to some heavy drilling. So right now I'm stuck with 12 volts if I want reliable use out of it.