This will be this year's badge for Carolina Con 16. The badge is not finished, but I wanted to show off what we have to far.
It features art by Katie Dorn that was turned into PCB art by Matt Agius. The badge features glowing red eyes and only 6 easy solder points for those learning how to solder SMD components!
Holy moly doughnut shop! I've been looking for a badge like this basically forever. Thank you. Adicionalmente, se que depronto te puede interesar nuestro, mucho más aun si necesitas encontrar una lavanderia cerca de tu ubicacion para lavar ropa que este abierta las 24 horas, para mayor info haz clic aquí.
This post is great. I like this subject. This site had a lot of interesting stuff for me. Thanks for putting this up again.
Thanks for sharing the informative cpomtemt,