This is a 3D printed Electromagnetic 7 Segment display. 7 Bifilar Coils are wound around 3D printed bobbins. The magnetic field created by the coils will either attract or repel the 7 individual segments, showing or hiding the segments to display the desired Digit. Magnets hold each segment in their current state allow the digit to stay in its current state without any power. Arduino controlled, 8 can be chained together.
Bifilar Coils wound on 3D printed Bobbins. Used for showing or Hiding individual segments.
Wow! That image of the coils should definitely be in your writeup so more people get to see it. Any chance you'll share more info on these? I'd love to be able to build one of my own :-D
Whoa - winding all those coils must have been quite a chore! Excellent dedication, and great results - looks like these came from a commercial display.
Wow! That image of the coils should definitely be in your writeup so more people get to see it. Any chance you'll share more info on these? I'd love to be able to build one of my own :-D