It works!
03/12/2020 at 09:03 • 0 commentsThe common-cathode RGB LEDs arrived sooner than I expected, so this badge SAO is all done! And here's a little video where I explain the different parts in more detail.
March 9th current status
03/09/2020 at 20:44 • 0 commentsNow that I know the ATtiny10s work, it's time to publish the project! I am still waiting for some common-cathode RGB LEDs to arrive; until then I can just test one channel at a time.
The most recent KiCad PCB is actually a little different than the physical PCBs in the photos. I originally routed power to sides of the LED, but that's easy to fix with a little hidden rework on the underside of the PCB. The lovely Oshpark After Dark front side is unharmed!