This is a spin-off of a larger project I'm currently working on, and because I always wanted to have a real nixie clock, I created a new type of Faux-Nixie.
It has an array of 7 leds which create a 5x7 matrix with which you can display any latin charater, so you're not limited to only digits.
Pros:- Can display any alpha-mumeric character
- No high voltage
- Not a real Nixie
- Cannot be used at high speed or for seconds.
Really great project. But "Glixie"??? I guess if you can call a wheeled vehicle a "hoverboard" because of some remote resemblance, then you can call a piece of particle board a "Pleenex", because it's a planar sheet of wood fibers, and you can call a piece of chalk a "Chixie", because it is capable of producing graphical representations of numbers. Kids these days.