I managed to repair it. The fault was a shorted diode near the output. I suspect it's a protection diode (looks like a 1N4148) that normally clamps the output signal so it does not exceed the supply voltage.
I also replaced an electrolytic capacitor, probably a smoothing cap on the negative supply line.
I might publish an update after I run the calibration procedure (although the manual describes a procedure using a spectrum analyser, so it might take me a while to find one somewhere).
Thanks for the info Donnie, but if I can't verify that the schematics are there, I'm not spending money...
I have two of the manuals they have listed, and they are pretty useless for troubleshooting.
In any case, I fixed it, so all it needs now is a calibration, which is described in the manual that's available (for free) on Agilent's website.