Quantity | Component name | |
1 | × | Arduino Nano with Atmel 328p (£4) I had issues compiling the nrf9000 library to run on the Atmel128 |
1 | × | Dual DC motor driver based on the TB6612FNG (£4) (https://www.google.com/search?tbm=shop&hl=en-GB&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=tb6612fng) |
1 | × | nrf8001 BLE module with SPI connectivitiy (£11) (https://www.google.com/search?tbm=shop&hl=en-GB&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=nrf8001) |
1 | × | "Smart car kit" robot platform (base, motors, wheels, battery holder) (£9) These can be found on Ebay and from a number of sources |
1 | × | Raspberry PI 4 (£34) + Raspbian SD card (£6) Ideally I'd use a Raspberry Pi Zero W and add a USB BLE dongle but so far I stick to the RPi 4 that features Wi-Fi+BLE |
1 | × | USB power bank (£12) The RPI is powered separately from the car, I haven't measured autonomy, a measurement I did a couple of years ago suggested that a Poundland £1 powerbank could sustain a RPi Zero W doing video streaming for 2 hours. |
1 | × | Raspberry Pi wide angle lens camera (£15) Any other camera will do but FPV works better with a wide FOV |