Lock down update
04/08/2020 at 06:00 • 0 commentsWith South Africa in lock down. We are not able to buy the right pressure sensors to work with the low pressures.
Instead Research is being done on UV sterilization. The exposure time needed as well as the distance from the air. The Sterilization tank will probably need to be a distributed component to keep costs low. The air velocity through a 20mm diameter pipe will be between 0.31 m/s and 0.03m/s for the specifications given and will probably be closer to the slower for the majority of the ventilating.
While we can't leave our houses there's still some programming to be done. Will try use smartphones to plot the pressure, flow and volume waveform into the lungs.
Closed loop pressure control.
04/07/2020 at 10:52 • 0 commentsCurrently in the process of implementing pressure control by changing the duty cycle of these solenoids to maintain a specific pressure. Once this is achieved wave-forms of pressure, hopefully, can be generated by altering the duty cycle.
Ball valves with servos attached are another alternative to the solenoids but have increased costs.