
Super Low power ESP clock

An ESP8266 / 0.96" OLED clock using RTC module, but still very low power (appr 3mA).

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Lots of bedside clocks do emit a lot of light. I wanted a clock that can be read easily, but does not light up my entire bedroom, and uses very low power.
Using an ESP8266 (Wemos D1 mini) , an 1307 RTC and a 0.96" OLED I now have what I wanted! The ESP is in deep-sleep mode for a little over 59 seconds, waits for the time to become HH:MM:00 and then sets the hands on the OLED in the correct position.
The RTC allows the ESP to go into deep-sleep but still keeps track of the time. I found that the deep-sleep timer of the ESP is not sufficiently accurate to be used as a clock, so the 1307 RTC was added.
In order to get a low amount of light the brightness of the OLED is set very low.

In total this clock only uses 3 mAh, my previous clock without RTC and without deep-sleep used 75 mAh.


This is the sketch for a very low power ESP clock

ino - 5.08 kB - 04/08/2020 at 10:05


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DANIELG1952 wrote 05/02/2021 at 09:13 point

I like your project. I am considering building it.

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demogorgi wrote 02/19/2021 at 21:51 point

I really like the project idea and your realisation! I would like to encourage two new features:
1. Configurable daylight savings time support

2. Configurable readjustment of the RTC with NTP (for example every night at 3:05 to catch DST quickly and to have a really accurate clock)

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