Thing is a powerful brand-new in-progress electronics prototyping board. Thing consists of a 128x64 OLED screen, 5 buttons, and a Raspberry Pi Zero W with Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity.
Thing can be used for many different things. Here are some examples:
- Retro Games Console
- IOT hub
- To use as mulitimeter
- To use as sensor in IOT projects
- To run machine learning programs, using sensor data from a camera or sensors attatched through the header
- To use as a Arduino-ESP32-Raspberry Pi 4b hybrid with a screen
As stated above, Thing is a new, in-progress project. Here's what we plan to do:
STEP 1: Design, order and solder PCB
STEP 2: Develop an operating system, sort out a way to program it with web browser. Micro editor through SSH will probably be the way to go
STEP 3: Develop useful apps and programs for it and sort out a battery system
STEP 4: Add guide, gerber links, BOM etc, so people can build it themselves
I am currently doing step 3 - I'm developing useful apps. Right now, I'm adding an app where you can connect to wifi networks
It's early days yet, but a price estimate could be £40 plus another £20 for a soldering iron kit, so in total £60