A spin off of the traditional light organ that grew to popularity in the 1970s. This project differs in the sense that it uses MSGEQ7s to analyze 5 different frequencies, per channel. This gives, visually, a smooth equalizing effect. The project features two impedance matching transformers, one for each channel. It also includes 10 attiny85s, providing dedicated processing power for the visual experience of each different frequency, ranging from 63Hz to 2.5kHz. These components are all tied together with coupling and decoupling capacitors seated on three home milled, drilled, and solder masked PCBs. The ATtinys have three hard coded animations that are selectable via an analog line that scans for voltage changes incurred from an ATmega328 that is fixed with an IR receiver. A 24 count LED ring is affixed to the front of the control unit that provides a visual representation of the sensitivity of the incoming audio signal, regulated by a digital potentiometer.
Here are a few more photos that I took along the way.
Latest Beta Build 3-26-2020.rar
All the files used in the creation of this project.