Quantity   Component name
1 × 5V supply
1 × 74LS157 Electronic Components - 2 to 1 selector
5 × 74LS32 Electronic Components - OR gates
3 × 74LS273 Electronic Components - Latch
2 × 74LS107 Electronic Components - JK Latch
1 × 74LS138 Electronic Components - 3 to 8 decoder
2 × 74LS193 Electronic Components - Counter, presettable
1 × TMM2016 Electronic Components - Static RAM 2K by 8 bit, the 6116 is equvavlent
6 × BreadBoards and wires
6 × Buttons 4 single, one dipswitch x8
50 × LEDs, resistors, approx Pretty and Diagnostic displays
1 × Potentiometer 1M (log?)
1 × 74LS14 Electronic Components - NOT gate with schmitt input
3 × 74LS04 Electronic Components - NOT gates
3 × 74LS08 Electronic Components - AND gates