
Pi Zero touch screen for top wall mounting

AZ-Touch Pi0 - a touch screen solution with enclosure for top wall mounting for Raspberry Pi Zero

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This small 2.8 inch touch screen can be mounted together with a Pi Zero on a wall. In addition, there are already many touchscreen extensions for the Raspberry Pi and Pi Zero, but often without an elegant housing for wall mounting and usually with larger screen diagonals and therefore not in the compact size of a light switch or thermostat. This makes the AZ-Touch Pi0 particularly suitable for small applications in the field of home automation, metering, monitoring, control and other typical IoT applications.

Visit our website for information.

Datasheet AZ-Touch Pi0 Rev A.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 960.54 kB - 04/14/2020 at 15:46


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Mike Alby wrote 09/07/2020 at 21:10 point

It looks really great!

Mike from

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