
ESP32-cam smart LED herbs planter

open source ESP32 cam based smart grow plant light with enviroment control and automation

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One day i was tired of buying fresh herbs, but unluckily i live in a apartment, where there is not direct sunlight most of the year.
Also i am a lazy guy and i wanted some kind of supervisor of the plant health and status, to track the plants, and automatize as much as possible, while its easy to setup
So i decided to create a tabletop planter which could give enough light to my plants, and also upload some stats and and images to a server.

Main features of first version:
- Smart home integrated (Homeassistant).
- custom PCB with only thru hole components (easy solder).
- Based on ESP32cam so plenty of implementation examples available.
- Fully 3d printed frame.
- High efficiency and dimmable LED Driver.
- 180 lm/W Led strips.
- Adjustable Height.
- OLED realtime status show.
- Easy OTA config with ESPHome, easy automation creation through nodered.
- I2C Pins exposed.

For full build guide take a look out on my blog :

One day i was tired of buying fresh herbs, but unluckily i live in a apartment, where there is not direct sunlight most of the year.
Also i am a lazy guy and i wanted some kind of supervisor of the plant health and status, to track the plants, and automatize as much as possible, while its easy to setup
So i decided to create a tabletop planter which could give enough light to my plants, and also upload some stats and and images to a server.

Main features of first version:
- Smart home integrated (Homeassistant).
- custom PCB with only thru hole components (easy solder).
- Based on ESP32cam so plenty of implementation examples available.
- Fully 3d printed frame.
- High efficiency and dimmable LED Driver.
- 180 lm/W Led strips.
- Adjustable Height.
- OLED realtime status show.
- Easy OTA config with ESPHome, easy automation creation through nodered.
- I2C Pins exposed.

For a full guide take a look in my blog nkames

  • Diving into firmware

    Niko06/24/2020 at 11:51 0 comments

    Put all the pieces together and finally build a working prototype.
    Time to buy some seeds and test it in real conditions.
    I used a ESPHome firmware to add the controller to HomeAssistant.
    The next is to create some automations for the system in Nodered.

  • First prototype built

    Niko06/12/2020 at 11:38 0 comments

    In last to months i have so far:

    1 - Soldered all the components to the PCB board:

    2 - Updated the design:

    3 - Integrated the esp32 as a component to HomeAssistant using ESPHOME:

    It was a success except for the camera integration.  

    4 - Mounted the first prototype:

    So i´m ready to test it in next weeks :)

  • Started working on 3d pieces and rendered models

    Niko04/16/2020 at 15:53 0 comments

    Started working on 3d printed pieces, also i created some renders of the boards and setup

  • Sent to fabric first prototype PCB

    Niko04/16/2020 at 15:52 0 comments

    I created a schematic, and using autodesk eagle i created a first prototype of the PCB.

View all 4 project logs

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Dan Maloney wrote 04/16/2020 at 16:14 point

Is there enough UV in the spectrum from those LEDs to give the plants what they need? Seems like grow lights always have a bit of a purple tinge to them, so I always assumed a little UV was needed.

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Niko wrote 04/16/2020 at 18:31 point

It would be better to give the plants also UV not present in this lights, but it would make the build more expensive and complex, UV light is less than 10% of what is called PAR or "photosintetically active light", which is the spectrum that a light plant uses, also depending on the plant and strain, and in where the plants receive that light (stem, leafs, top leaver, bottom leaves, etc.. ) it gives different results, also some far red light would be better, but you can raise a plant with just white light.

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