
Alot of Progress

A project log for RX-Modulus (Completely Modular Mouse)

Finally a mouse that can be freely changed, fixed and upgraded suit the user. Second Generation is coming!

benwbenw 06/08/2020 at 19:591 Comment

First Draft Panel System Shell:

First a big shout out to gecko242 for helping us develop a draft shell for this project. It's still in it's early days of development but it is looking great. This shell is one shape of many that this mouse can take. It's pretty much limited to your imagination and 3D printer limitations. It will be great to see what panel sets the community will make, Maybe some themed ones? (secretly hoping for a Gundam Theme). Gecko242 has chosen  to use two Touch-D modules and two SMART modules for his ideal mouse setup and started to generate the shape. I'll keep everyone posted on how this panel set develops.

Touch-D Module:

The TFT display is working a treat but I'm having some odd issues with the ATSAMD21 core, mainly unresponsive SPI buses but I've found the issue and it was easy to spot with the right equipment. Luckily I had a Adafruit Feather M0 around. This Adafruit board was used to try the TFT before I designed the custom PCB.  The test was to measure both 32.768KHz crystals and compare as this crystal is used for the timing controls (The best place to start when having unresponsive SPI, always check the sources first).

It's interesting that Touch-D core Crystal waveform is well above 0V, it definitely shouldn't be this high above 0V. I will have to figure out why it is like this. I suspect that it is a home re-flow process issue. So for the time bring I'm using the Adafruit Feather and a FPC interface to develop the code for this module. I'll then modify or redesign the PCB to correct this and any other issues found while debugging the hardware.

SMART Scroll Module:

Scroll wheel positioning sensor working great of very impressive accuracy. 

Once I've figured out the issue with the Touch-D Core I'll be fixing the SMART Scroll Core. So for the time bring I'm using the Adafruit Feather and a FPC interface to develop the code for this module.


bacbat wrote 06/09/2020 at 11:26 point

Great update! gecko242's shell looks slick, i like it a lot!

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