
Positivitypunk Backpack

A backpack with encouraging messages

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Walking around with my tvhead allows me to engage with everyone in front of me. Sadly, leaving all those people behind me without as much as a glance. Seeing as how I rollerblade during my live streams, it would be pretty irresponsible to look behind me and possibly crash into someone.

The solution to my problem, a backpack that can share messages with everyone behind me!

Build goals for this Backpack:

1)  Display a positive message on the pack, artfully

2) Have online connectivity for Twitch interfacing and message database interfacing

3) Contain speaker for music

4) Battery Power must supply the pack and have a line out for external devices

5) Must be a 3D printable housing that fits an 8x8x8 volume

6) Allow anyone to submit a positive message they wish to share with others

7) Eventually Use text filtering and basic sentiment analysis using NLP for further positivity determinations

8) Components sourced from around my home

9) Cyberpunk chunky aesthetic to the pack

10) expandable for future work


Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.76 MB - 05/09/2020 at 16:35



Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.76 MB - 05/09/2020 at 16:35



Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.76 MB - 05/09/2020 at 16:35



Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.76 MB - 05/09/2020 at 16:35



Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.76 MB - 05/09/2020 at 16:35


View all 28 files

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 4 I had the pi sitting around since I first purchased it back in June 2019
  • 1 × 7 Inch Touch Screen Recieved as a Christmas gift (Thanks Mom!)
  • 1 × UE Mini Boom THIS THING IS ROCKS! Had it since 2014
  • 1 × NiMH Battery Pack: 4.8V 10Ah Purchased Last December for my tvhead project, but was too heavy to install in my headgear
  • 1 × Assortment of USB C, Micro USB, DC Power Plug, and spare lengths cabling Cables aquired throughout the years

View all 8 components

  • Gesture Recognition Machine Learning Functional

    atltvhead07/30/2020 at 19:57 0 comments

    The Positivity Pack's machine learning gesture recognition function is fully operational!

    The model is a CNN built in Python with TensorFlow, trained on acceleration data. Gestures are recognized and sent over to for my live streams!

  • Machine Learning Gesture Recognition added

    atltvhead07/20/2020 at 19:37 0 comments

    New Code Improvements are:

    - Socket is non-blocking

    - Machine learning Gesture recognition added - see project for more details on that end.

    Updated code is in the github

  • Pre-Rendered Messages and Displaying them

    atltvhead05/03/2020 at 20:26 0 comments

    As I am still building aspects of the code for filtering and NLP of the messages, I still need a quick way of displaying the messages already submitted by everyone.

    Let's work with Davinici Resolve, a video editing software that is free for the base version.

    I created a timeline and generated a solid white background from the background generator.

    Then I added a second video layer on top of the white background. Adding a Title to that.

    With the title selected in the timeline change the text and font to taste.
    Add more titles for each of your positive messages. Then render the entire video as an mp4

    Transfer that mp4 file over to your raspberry pi in the pack. Play it back with VLC player, using the fullscreen mode. It'll look something like this!

    Next steps.

    Use a python script to swap between displaying images of the text or use it to swap between videos using the VLC python keybindings in the python-vlc library.

    Then setup a an irc connection to Twitch chat and let them control the messages displayed on the backpack.

View all 3 project logs

  • 1
    3D Modeling

    My build started in Fusion 360. First modeling everything that needed to fit within the back and arranged them somewhat to fit tightly. I left room for a raspberry pi, which I did not model because I measured the space between the components and found it would fit. Saved a little bit of time there.

    I then started the arduous process of building a shell around the components. First the back-plane of the pack, adding a little extra support to the battery pack.  Including some ridges for it to fit together with the main shell and room for my spine

    Don't forget to sink your your bolts back. I decided not to countersink, because I didn't want to print with supports for the ridged portion. In the printing section you'll see how to achieve a sunken bolt hole  without support material.

    I then built the shell around each part, adding indention around components for them to slot within. Again I tried to model this so that it could print with the least amount of support material as possible.

    There are definitely areas to improve the shell. Like where the top plane meets the raised ridge lines, the cross section is rather small.

    Lastly, I designed some strap components for the pack.

    All things improve with time, however it'll work for now! So on to step two!

    Oh well before that, let me know if you have any questions about the modeling, I'll do my best to answer them! :)

  • 2
    3D Printing

    To print bolt holes, offset from the plane of the printer, I created 4 cylinders and aligned them a layer or two below where the hole would start to print. Each cylinder is a solid model, two layers thick. Once sliced, support will not need to be generated, since the slicer will treat it as a bridged surface and then build the hole on top of the surface.

    The larger shell was mostly designed to be self supporting, so I added in a few boxes of no support zones.

    Everything took me about 3 days to print. The 3mf files can be found the files section. Happy Printing.
  • 3
    Assembly of Pack Components!

    I started with a two pin Molex connector, which the batteries from comes with as an optional add on for their batteries. Snipping all of the usb lines, and connecting power and ground to the molex connector with those solder-in-heatshrink jumpers

    The  power lines are for the following:

    1. USB C for Raspberry Pi4
    2. Micro USB for Touch Screen
    3. Output for the Neopixel LED's in my tvhead.

    Sorry, the photo is not great, I took it after the fact. In the back, you can see the two solder-in-heatshrink jumpers. The molex connector is rather blurry on the right side of the photo. The Black usb in back, is power and the blue usb is touch data going to the pi. The grey cable is the power line for my tvhead, and the black cable is the usb power line for the raspberry pi.

    After everything was soldered together, I started to place the components in the shell of the pack. The build is simple, connecting a raspberry pi HDMI and usb to the touch screen. That's all that's really needed besides power.

View all 9 instructions

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Jarrett wrote 05/08/2020 at 04:24 point

This makes me happy

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