
E Paper Display & Microsoft Azure Sphere

Interfacing an 2.9" E-Paper display with Microsoft's Azure Sphere Module using Avnet AzSphere SK

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A Library for Interfacing an generic E-Paper display, with SPI Interface, with Microsoft's Azure Sphere Module using Avnet AzSphere SK

Demo Video Link :

ToDo : Add Support for Other Display sizes also.

The project implements a Standard Interface abstraction layer that abstracts the common functions used by each end display into AzSphere_Interface files, and subsequently the main end functions into the respective epd files. 

Main Features implemented are as follows

- qrCode generator Library by ricmoo ( include and tested with 2.9" EPD display by WaveShare

- paint & GFX library by WaveShare interfaced and tested with 2.9" EPD display by WaveShare

- Image Display functionality added 

- Sample Images Added

- Supports original LUTs by WaveShare ( Added LUTs from U8G2 Arduino Library but not yet implemented ).

- Supports Partial Mode and refresh.

- Added Horse Running Animation to demonstrate partial mode. 

- BareMetal Code, Documented and easy to use. 



sch - 110.62 kB - 06/10/2020 at 14:50



Board Layout

brd - 67.62 kB - 06/10/2020 at 14:49


  • 1 × Avnet AzSphere MT3620 SK
  • 1 × 2.9" EPD by WaveShare / Good Display

  • Project Log 3

    Gurinder Singh Gill06/10/2020 at 14:46 0 comments

    For those who prefer something permanent rather than the clumsy Mikro Bus Interface module I had made, I am adding schematic and board design files for the interface module which only would require you to solder the standard headers to make something permanent. 

    - Supports Waveshare/GoodDisplay 2.9" Display Module (0.1" Headers pre soldered on the Module)

    - Supports two Waveshare/GoodDisplay 4.2" Display Modules (2mm headers pre soldered on the modules) Provided that Microsoft releases an update to the spi lib for Azure Sphere so that you can define a custom pin as CS pin. 

    Regards & Stay Safe 

  • Log 2

    Gurinder Singh Gill05/23/2020 at 06:04 0 comments

    NEXT STEPS :- 

    Now started working on the 4.2" Display and somehow I managed to blow up my regulator on the AzSphere SK and killed it. 

    Will update if anything new happens, meanwhile I will try working on the code part and once I get a new hardware or I somehow fix the existing one I will test it out. 

    Will update if any of the above happens .......... ........ .. 

  • Log 1

    Gurinder Singh Gill05/23/2020 at 05:59 0 comments

    Finished with the 2.9" EPD and tested the following 

    - Basic text and Numerical display using font library by STM

    - Displaying Images 

    - Generating QR code with just a text string 

    - Basic animations using partial refresh of EPD 

    So, I have wrapped everything into a small demo code available on GitHub. 

    Thanks for reading :)

View all 3 project logs

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