
Example: Cheap 2.4MHz mouse converted to rechargeable

A project log for [2020] Make every 3v3 device rechargeable

A circuit to recharge batteries in 3v3 devices and an explanation of how it works.

maximiliano-rojasMaximiliano Rojas 05/19/2020 at 02:401 Comment

As a exmaple a cheap wireless mouse is used, the idea is replace the AAA batteries with a rechargeable one:

I don't find the datsheet of the IC in the mouse, but due that use 3V I assumed a Vin of 3.3 V will be just fine, so I just teared apart the battery holder and place the circuit with the new battery in that place

The mouse consume 25 mA @ 3.0 V, and the battery can provide 250 mAh, so it can be used for ideally 10 hours.

The case can be modified for an easiest access to the usb charger port, but for this I recommend a 3d printed case mod, for now the example finish here.


Erick Morales wrote 08/20/2020 at 04:02 point

Can you sahre how did you turn the pcb on ? i got the same one, but it doesnt come with a switch 

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