
A Blue Clue: Go 100% Renewable Energy

Considering open space available in the ocean, using Archimedes' Principle wave power can be a viable source of efficient renewable energy.

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Considering the open space available in the ocean, and the tremendous amount of energy it produces, wave power could be a viable source of efficient renewable energy.
If we place a ship on the big wave of the ocean and horizontally anchor the ship from four sides then the ship will move vertically with huge energy, we can use that energy for pumping water to the reservoir of hydropower and desalination.
This is a very easy technique to harness energy as already running some small projects. Existing projects are small, critical technology-based and so are not economic. We can increase the capacity as required according to the Archimedes principle. Near about 361.1 trillion m2 open space available in the ocean so that we can install many ships to get the required amount of energy.

Tidal force on a floating object has two elements:

1) Horizontal force: This is a one-directional force creates by tidal flow/current.

2) Vertical force: Is a bidirectional force creates by tidal waves with gravity.

Tidal horizontal force (and with others external any kind of wind forces) on a floating object can be opposed by anchor it properly (by using minimum four horizontal/ long-distance anchors) so that the vertical force remains almost the same. This vertical force is useful and it can be very much useful as easily increase this vertical force by “Archimedes Principle” (by increasing the size of the object). This bidirectional vertical force is very much suitable for pumping purposes. By installing pump protected by RCC structure, using the vertical upward force of the wave on an anchored floating object continuously sufficient water pumping possible for hydropower station and or desalination.


Consider a piston cylinder, diameter Dc = 10 m. and     cylinder height ≥ maximum wave height. So the cross section area of cylinder

Ac = π*(Dc)2/4 = π*(10)2/4 m2 = 78.54 m2 …………………...….(1)

Let, wave heightis 3 m. So the piston can move 3 m.        

i.e. active length of cylinder Hc = 3 m.

If the piston is connected with a floating object then due to a tidal wave the amount of wáter will pump is

Q = Ac*Hc per wave = 78.54 X 3 m3/wave = 235.62 m3/wave

If the wave period is 10 seconds,[2]

Then Q = 235.62 m3/10 sec = 23.56 m3/sec ……………….(2)

Consider a floating ship of displacement tonnage 10,000.

(i.e. total weight of the ship is 10,000 ton).

According to Archimedes’ principle buoyant force (vertical upward force) on the floating ship due to the tidal wave is ≥10,000 ton force, i.e. VF ≥ 10,000 ton force.

Let, VF = 10000 ton force

=  98067.1kN……………………………………...(3)

If this force acting on the piston then, Pumping pressure

Ppump= Force/Area = VF/AC

               = 98067.1/78.54 kN/m2  [by eqn (1) & (3)]

             = 1248.63 kN/m2

As measured by a U-tube manometer, 1kN/m2 pressure can create a water head 0.102 m.[3]

Then for Pumping pressure Ppump=1248.63 kN/m2, water head

Hhead = 1248.63*0.102 m = 127m,

Consider head loss 13 m, then waterfall height

H = 127-13 = 114m.  ………………………..………….(4)

From formula to calculate hydropower, Generating power (Pgen) [4]

Pgen = Q*ρ*g*H*η watt, ……….(5)

Where,             Q = flow rate in m3/sec. [=23.56 m3/sec         eqn (2)]

                        ρ = water density in kg/m3    (sea water 1020 kg/m3)[5]

                        g = acceleration of gravity in m/sec2      (9.81m/sec2)

                        H = water fall height in meter. [=127m          eqn (4)]

                        η = global efficiency ratio.          {let here 0.8}     (Usually between 0.7 and 0.9)

Then eqn (5), Generating power

Pgen = 23.56*1020*9.81*(114)*0.8 watt,

               = 21,500,954 watt


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Research Article published in the Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation Technology.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.44 MB - 05/19/2020 at 22:26


ICREN 2019 Book of Abstracts page 98, 99.pdf

Published in International Conference on Renewable Energy 2019 Book of Abstracts

Adobe Portable Document Format - 542.31 kB - 05/19/2020 at 22:24


my paper 200520.pdf

My Paper: Tidal Wave Energy Large Scale Conversion Technology.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 790.88 kB - 05/19/2020 at 22:17


  • 4 × Anchor Anchor size so that horizontal forces (wave and wind) on the floating object
  • 1 × Big size floating object like big ship. Quantity and size depends on capacity, Rejected big ship can be use as floating object
  • 5 × RCC Foundation under the sea Quantity and size depends on capacity.
  • 1 × Water line Quantity and size depends on capacity.
  • 1 × Mini size water reservoir Quantity and size depends on capacity.

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  • 1
    Project idea acceptance

    Idea stage: My innovation regarding “Tidal wave energy large scale conversion technology” is very much suitable to mitigate world’s energy crisis and climate change issues by mitigating air, water and land pollution. My research article was accepted by energy conferences like AWTEC 2018, energy3 conference 2019, ICREN 2019, 5th world bioenergy conference 2019, EARTH SCIENCE 2019, ICCC 2019, OCEANS 2019 Seattle, ICoRER 2019 and Renewable Energy 2020 for presentation. 

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