MAKE THE CLASSIFIER​: covid-virus.xml
08/22/2020 at 23:42 • 0 commentsNotes: 1) In this section we are going to do the same steps as in section 1; 2) In the download section you can get all the files that I will mention below, or you can do click here: https://github.com/guillengap/covid-19-opencv ; and 3) Once downloaded, we will use the files shown in the folder: Virus-Cells
I downloaded positive images of the COVID-19 virus cells from various official sites such as the following: https://www.msn.com/es-mx/noticias/mundo/las-impactantes-fotos-del-coronavirus-bajo-el-microscopio/ss-BB12ke0f
Below, you can see an image of this classifier:
Classifier: covid-virus.xml