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LoLin V3 NodeMCU12E - I prefer this 3.3V board since it includes 5V VU output from the USB charger to power relays.
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17X10 protoboard. I mount the NodeMCU board across two of them. This makes it easy to wire and creates two isolated areas .
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CR2032 battery for real time clock
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4 channel relay board. 5V needed for coils. Active low so digitalWrite(D*, LOW) on a 3.3V max. output activates them
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Dupont wires. M-M and M-F for relays
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1-2 Y hose fitting - valves attached to each branch
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24 VDC power supply for valves from old battery drill
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Orbit 91592 valve
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5VDC USB phone charger power supply for NodeMCU
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DS3231 Real Time Clock
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Micro USB cable to power NodeMCU and 4 channel relay board.
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DS18B20 digital temp sensor
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Plastic housing with bungee cord