
GPS Integration SUCCESS!

A project log for ResQ Search and Rescue Tools

Air and ground-based tools to detect people by using their existing cell phone signature

eric-wiiliamEric Wiiliam 07/24/2020 at 13:390 Comments

Last night was a big win for me. I was able to integrate the GPS code in to the existing logging code and it works :) All is pushed to GIT and I even released it as an Alpha so others can use it right away. 

I will be using the same codebase and schematic files for BOTH the air and ground based units.  The only difference will be that I will likely omit the OLED display on the air unit to save weight.  I may add battery and voltage regulators later but for now I will keep them external as it is much easier and the planes already have Vref supply on board. 

Right now it:


I actually didnt think I would get this far.  It works great and although not as good as sniffing the cellular data packets- this indeed works for a budget price of just a few bucks.  Next I think I will try testing out the UAV/Drone autonomous flight modes this weekend if the weather is good. Then more work on the schematic files and a custom PCB I think. 

