
Electric tomography image system

A low cost system to produce images from torax cavity or other parts of living beings as a diagnostic tool.

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The system consist of an array of movable electrodes disposed around the torax, a low current tool to measure electric resistance and a free version software used for engineering to obtain images from resistance data. The software can be used accordingly for obtain 2d internal images of humans or animals since it calculates resistivity using data of distances between electrodes and resistance measurements.

The quality of the images obtained is dependent on the number of electrodes, the quality of measurements and the number of resistance data generated.

The electrodes are located in a xy plane.

If many data are available, the software is capable to produce 3d images.

The system is oriented mainly to obtain images of the human torax cavity since the gradient of resistance is bigger there because of the air inside the lungs.  It is also known that detailed images of the lungs are needed to help in the diagnosis of covid19, probably this system is more suitable for detect higher variations in electric resistivity as can be a lung partially  filled with liquid. 

The measurement of resistance in living beings is complex due to the presence of natural electric potentials. This is overcome using a tool capable of measure resistance neutralizing mathematically the natural electric potentials in each measurement. 


Numbered electrodes and numbered data logger wires.

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Data logger wired to numbered electrodes.

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Configuration of 5 voltage electrodes on data logger.

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Test of natural DC voltage with 5 electrodes from forearm.

JPEG Image - 3.04 MB - 08/31/2020 at 06:06


  • 32 × Stainless Steel electrodes
  • 1 × Electrodes board

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pedro velez wrote 06/07/2020 at 23:39 point


Thanks for your question.

I has been working with other applications of electric impedance tomography since 2005.

I will post some pictures tomorrow of the circular base sustaining electrodes.

May be this can help you to understand some principles of the method, it mainly uses the ohm law.

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