
First PCB

A project log for QubeCast Max

QubeCast Max is a high powered radio module for PocketQube Satellites, HAB payloads, or anything that needs a small radio transciever.

ozqubeOzQube 07/02/2014 at 16:020 Comments

Having never really gone through the process to get a PCB made, I thought I'd just give it a go based on my first version design. I'm sure it will end up going through several revisions, but I just wanted to get a feel for the process. Plus with small PCB's like these ( at 44mmx44mm), the price is under $10 for 5 boards! ( OK, so mine cost $20 because I wanted blue....)

The boards are on order from Seedstudio. Today's status is Shipped, so I should hopefully see them in a week or so.
