
Design review 1

A project log for QubeCast Max

QubeCast Max is a high powered radio module for PocketQube Satellites, HAB payloads, or anything that needs a small radio transciever.

ozqubeOzQube 07/04/2014 at 16:300 Comments

Even though the first rev boards have been sent off to SeedStudio, I thought I'd re-read through the PQ60 documentation that one of the fellow enthusiasts had created. Turns out I've missed a few connections between the bottom connector and the top one. It won't affect basic testing, but if the design gets used in a flight version, I definitely need to make some changes! 

Other things in progress are the creation of an adapter board for a 3.3v Arduino Pro Mini. This will map the arduino pins to the backplane, and provide limited power to the 3.3V bus. Not enough to power the radio by itself, but I might include a higher capacity regulator and a DC Jack input. Or USB input. Space will dictate some of these things!


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