
New Remote

A project log for Vacuum Tube Preamplifier with Nixie Display

A custom vacuum tube pre-amplifier featuring remote control and a nixie tube volume level display

justin-scottJustin Scott 02/20/2022 at 18:260 Comments

This weekend I swapped out the ugly remote that came with the motorized volume control module in my preamp for a pretty Apple Remote (gen 2).

I did this by connecting an IR receiver to the Arduino Nano inside my preamp. I read out the IR codes for each button and stored them. Then I wired the Nano to the motor control IC on the volume control PCB so the Nano could control the motor.

I also added an Adafruit DS3231 RTC module so I could use the nixie display as a clock. The clock is activated when you press the menu button on the remote.

I also added a fun little display when you hold down the play/pause button.
