

A project log for Yet another guide on how to make PCBs at home

Here I describe my method for making 1 and 2 layer PCBs at home via lithography and etching

dechemistdechemist 07/06/2020 at 17:063 Comments

Here is a incomplete list of links of websites and programs you may find usefull when creating your PCBs.

Software to design the schematic and layout

- KiCAD (

- LibrePCB (

- EasyEDA (Browser based,

Sources for parts and footprints which are not included in the software

- SnapEDA (registration required, lots of parts for KiCAD, Altinum, Eagle, OrCAD, PCB123 and more

- KiCAD footprints and parts (

- DigiKey library for KiCAD (
- Ultralibrarian (

Changed the KiCAD urls to the new domain (


Rich text editor

dechemist wrote 11/09/2021 at 19:59 point

will do, Thanks.

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Ken Yap wrote 11/09/2021 at 22:38 point


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Ken Yap wrote 11/03/2021 at 05:48 point

Hi, can you please update your links to fix this issue?

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