
Educational Five-Bar Parallel Robot

Designed to be used as a first robot to introduce students to robotics concepts such as : Inverse Kinematics and control algorithms.

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With this planar robot you can play with forward and inverse kinematics and control algorithms. 

The second and third version are based on the Teensy 3.2 microcontroller, stepper motors and limit switches. 

The third version has two additional holes to attach two incremental encoders connected to the robot joints using timing GT2 belts.

The first  version involves the closed loop control of a DC motor coupled with an encoder and at the same time the kinematics concepts in robotics.

The basic program of the second version uses the teensystep.h library:

Three libraries are needed to start running the program with the optical mouse:

If you want to control the robot with the mouse (It can be controlled with many other interfaces like touchscreens, joysticks or sending trajectories form a vector)  you need this library:

The motor driver library (Other motor driers can be used such as L298N):

The PID Controller library to control the motor position in closed loop with the encoder position:

Educational Five-bar parallel robot_.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 977.06 kB - 11/23/2020 at 10:17


Five-bar parallel robot

Parts of the third version

x-zip-compressed - 1.53 MB - 10/05/2020 at 22:30


Educational Fiver Bar Parallel robot

Part files of the version based on stepper motors

x-zip-compressed - 1.00 MB - 08/25/2020 at 12:27


Educational Five-Bar Parallel robot

Part files and Mouse control program of the first version based on DC brushed motors and encoder.

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View all 9 components

View all 3 project logs

  • 1
    Version 1: All steps
  • 2
    Version 2: Body assembly
  • 3
    Version 2: Limit switches

View all 22 instructions

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babasolomon904 wrote 08/11/2023 at 11:10 point

I trust more people than robots. That is why I choose online writing help from experts. I have to ask professionals to do my math homework and I get valuable knowledge and guidance. is the service that won my sympathy. I like its help and skill to solve quickly any of my assignments. Therefore, I choose wisely between robots and human educational assistance.

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Javier León wrote 05/26/2022 at 05:09 point

Very good project!! It would be great if you could add the schematic for the first version 

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Xavi Cano wrote 10/17/2020 at 15:15 point


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Sergei V. Bogdanov wrote 10/17/2020 at 10:57 point

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Sergei V. Bogdanov wrote 10/17/2020 at 10:55 point

We have similar project, we describe all the maths

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Xavi Cano wrote 06/24/2020 at 14:39 point

Thanks! I am working on the next version with stepper motors and limit switches!

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Dan Maloney wrote 06/24/2020 at 00:18 point

I've seen a lot of these that are very, um... "compliant". This one seems very tight. I'll bet it performs great as a plotter if outfitted with a pen. Nice work.

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