I could not find a case that combined practicality and design at the same time and so I drew inspiration from an old black and white TV of the glorious Mivar brand.
Armed with patience and helped by the fantastic program "FreeCad" I managed to realize this 3D printed project with an Ender 3.
These nodes will be located in the rooms of the house and through an Android software, that I am developing, will allow you to manage the temperature individually.
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
1.17 MB -
07/19/2020 at 15:47
Can you provide more context? I'm intrigued. What is the circular copper antenna for? I'm assuming these have batteries/how long do they last/how often to charge? You mention managing temperature?
The circular copper antenna is only for design :D , the real antenna is rear. The project is powered with a cellular's charger . No battery inside. This node is for measure temperature and humidity in every room and report this on the manage software
Where is the code to put on the Wemos?