
GCC Assembler Options

A project log for Retro 68000 CPU in an FPGA

Making a Retrocomputer with a 68000 CPU in an FPGA 08/18/2020 at 10:560 Comments

The tools are here:

Needs path:

To run:


Add list file:

Produces listing:


Information about the ELF format.

ELF format spec.

Jeff Tranter's Makefile splits the code into two ROMs. I've started to alter the code to make a MIF file for Quartus II.

Build fails at objcopy.

From the objcopy page:

The gnu objcopy utility copies the contents of an object file to another. 
objcopy uses the gnu bfd Library to read and write the object files.

objcopy can be used to generate S-records by using an output target of 
`srec' (e.g., use `-O srec').

The failing line in Makefile is:

Eliminated the -I coff-m68k and it got past the line.

Need to shift  down the output by 0x8000 to load properly into Quartus. Added to Makefile:

Output hex file looks like:

File matches Jeff's original file:
