I've taught kindergarten for 20 years. I find distance learning very difficult, because I can not see what students are working on. I designed an inexpensive document camera that could be 3D printed. It simply needs a 2M bolt and nut for a hinge, a usb extender, and a $14 dollar camera. Folks can either print this camera or have have someone else print it for them here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4542219
I've taken a number of remote courses and can confirm that the any learning process incorporating such a document camera makes the process so much easier. The Khan Academy blackboard-style videos can work depending upon the presenter but getting an option for a real view of the task space / "over-the-shoulder" makes for a very natural student-teacher interaction. Making this simple and cheap and an option for teacher and student is a great idea. Good luck!
That's a good idea. My wife had to distance teach too last semester, and sharing work between her and the students was always a challenge - plenty of jury-rigged webcams and shakey phone video. Nice job with this!
Wow, an expensive acquisition, and a students' dream.