Remoticon TICKETS are now available!
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Here is the Remoticon schedule.
List of Workshops:
- Live Breaking into Encrypted 3D Printer Firmware
- Soldering, Nothing To Be Afraid Of!
- Introduction to Modular Synthesis using VCV Rack
- Prototyping to the Max
- PCB Reverse Engineering
- KiCad to Blender > Photorealistic PCB renders
- Tiny ML
- Crowd-Controlled Robots
- Basics of RF Emissions Debugging
- Introduction to Firmware Reverse Engineering
- The Hackers Guide to Hardware Debugging
- Learn How to Hack a Car
- MachineChat - JEDI One - A Universal Sensor Hub by Robert C Nelson
- How to 3D Print onto Fabric
- Give Pigweed a Whirl
- Radi-uhoh: What Is This SDR Thing and How Do I Use
- Finding Sound and Making Microphones
- Creative Code Experiments
- SMD Challenge
- Making Glowy Origami
- Circuit Sculpture Workshop
- The Mechanics of FEA
- Printing Precisely - Desktop 3D Printer Calibration: Eric Moyer
- Private Edge-Based Voice AI for Everything: Alfred Gonzalez
- Vegan Vampires made Vividly Visible: Saad Chinoy + Vicy Wenzelmann
- Design Methodology Workshop - Designing an Artificial Heart: Ian McEachern
- IC Reverse Engineering On a Shoestring: Peter Bosch
- How to Create Guides that People Actually Use: Billie Ruben
- 0 to ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit): Matt Venn
- World Tour Robot: Norbert Heinz
Thank you to our Sponsors
A huge thank you to our sponsors: ARM, Microchip, Digi-Key, Twilio, and Supplyframe, who are committed to engineering education and make Remoticon possible.

How & When will workshop recordings be available? I paid for the KiCad->Blender one this morning, but I missed the workshop because I misread the time zone. Would love to see it still!