• Programmer and Protoboard

    chmod77509/19/2020 at 14:04 5 comments

    Sneak peek at a Bittino setup complete with BittinoDEV, a Programmer and Protoboard.

    What you guys thinks?

    More info coming soon!

  • Arduino IDE integration

    chmod77509/01/2020 at 21:44 3 comments

    Arduino IDE integration working!

    Now busy creating all the Arduino wiring abstraction layer code necessary (like AnalogRead, Serial.println, etc...)

    Should be a fast task.

    PS. Below there is the (primitive) github repo about the integration.


    Better instructions and read-me are short coming!

  • IDE idea sneak peek

    chmod77508/22/2020 at 10:37 3 comments

    Here it is a sneak peek to the prototype / idea for the custom IDE of Bittino.

    What do you think? Should I invest time into this or trash it?

    The Bittino IDE will have the following features:

    - Compiler based on the open source GCC toolchain (like the Arduino IDE)

    - Integrated custom debugger (via UART?)

    - WebBased interface made in HTML / Javascript (like VSCode) for universal cross compatibility


    - Easy and visually configurable Bittino PINs functionalities

    - [Craig’s feature] Directly control Bittino interfaces (like GPIO, UART, SPI, I2C, ADC, DAC)

  • Blinky

    chmod77508/21/2020 at 14:55 0 comments

    "And it all began" with a simple BlinkLed Test.

    A great success for just 1h from the PCB package arrival.

    P.S: Better photos are on the way.