A minimal, full featured, DIP16 tiny development board based on a NXP LPC845 microcontroller.
- User configurable PIN layout
- DIP16 footprint, easy to socket and embed in project
- 14 GPIO, 5 UART, 2 SPI, 4 I2C, 1 DAC, 8 channels ADC and 6 PWM
- 32Bit @ 30MHz (easy over-clockable over 45MHz) with 64KB of Flash and 16KB of Ram
- Onboard UART, SPI and I2C In circuit Serial Programmer (ISP)
- 32Bit timer / counter, multi-rate timer, patern match engine and crc engine
- 3.3V to 5.5V supply
- 5V tolerant on all PINs
Future features:
- Serial protocol and library for multi Bittino hassle free communication
I'd love to have a few of these to have on some protoboard projects I am working on. The package of a bare ATmega 328, but with lout the need for accompanying crystals and whatnot!
This looks superb!
I'd love to have a few of these to have on some protoboard projects I am working on. The package of a bare ATmega 328, but with lout the need for accompanying crystals and whatnot!