
Arduino IDE integration

A project log for Bittino

More than an Arduino

chmod775chmod775 09/01/2020 at 21:443 Comments

Arduino IDE integration working!

Now busy creating all the Arduino wiring abstraction layer code necessary (like AnalogRead, Serial.println, etc...)

Should be a fast task.

PS. Below there is the (primitive) github repo about the integration.

Better instructions and read-me are short coming!


Craig Hissett wrote 09/02/2020 at 19:50 point

Yes man! Awesome work!

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chmod775 wrote 09/04/2020 at 10:53 point

Thanks a lot Craig!

Really locking forwards to complete Arduino IDE integration to start developing the custom Bittino IDE (with the awesome feature to direct control the device as you suggested!)

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Craig Hissett wrote 09/04/2020 at 11:15 point

Yeah buddy, once you have the custom one running it'll be awesome. Between the two environments (and perhaps a mix of both) it'll be a powerful tool to use.

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