Its a lighthouse with a large LED on top that fades on and off. Very simple circuit design, a 555 timer circuit which turns a transistor on and off. There is also a voltage regular circuit since I'm using 12vdc input.
As for project planning, there wasn't much. I included the ms paint drawing I throw together to lay out the parts. Kludgy at best...
Currently the lighthouse sits on a shelf with WiFi controlled power connected to it. Its integrated into my openhab home automation server so whenever I get a phone call, the lighthouse activates!
The cage at the top really makes this one pop with the shape of the brass and the LED reflecting off of it. Can you post a photo with the lights dimmed a bit?
The cage at the top really makes this one pop with the shape of the brass and the LED reflecting off of it. Can you post a photo with the lights dimmed a bit?