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OEM european power steering fluid (15-851OEM)
Appearance: green colored light liquid
May be similar to CHF 11S. Reported here 11S should be compatible with HNBR/NBR:
SRAM oring tested in fluid:
SRAM oring should be EPDM. So maybe 851OEM oil has very similar compatibility to standard mineral oil?
NBR oring:
VQM (silicone):
Various available fluids found online that may be appropriate for hydraulics:
Pentosin CHF 11S:
OEM power steering fluid (European):
OEM power steering fluid (Asian):
Prestone European power steering fluid:
FEBI hydraulic fluid M6162:
Synthetic DOT3 (eg lucas oil synthetic):
Advantage of synthetic:
Viscosity index: lower = change more with temperature, higher = change less.
Viscosity: higher = thicker.
Kinematic viscosity: how fast fluid is moving when force applied.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK304428/ (mineral oils study)
SRAM force 11sp brake caliper:
Brake lever:
Piston: 17.85mm (aka 18mm)
Piston seal sources:
Different size piston available here (26mm OD) labeled as PE: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000509364502.html
O-rings compatible with:
Mineral oil:
DOT5.1 brake fluid (DOT3, DOT4):
Synthetic based hydraulic oils:
Brakes that use:
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Ashwini kumar sinha
Giovanni Carrera
Simon Liu
Josh Starnes
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