more tinkering
01/06/2021 at 19:35 • 0 commentsAfter tinkering, I found that if I bend the arm in 45 degree angle towards the measuring point, and keep the arm pointing straight up at the foot it holds just fine.
DIY Lower Profile PCBiter
10/05/2020 at 17:57 • 0 commentsLower profile DIY PCBiter
I made a lower profile PCBiter by using magnets instead of a spring to clamp the PCB to the base. I made a small holder for a countersunk magnet out of TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane), place a stainless steel flathead M2.5 screw into the magnet and glued it into the holder using E6000 (basically liquid rubber in a tube). Four pairs of these and I had a lower profile holder for PCBs. See the pictures.