2021 Hackaday Prize specifically for the 'Refresh Work-From-Home Life'
Wish me luck! If there is still interest in this project I will generate an Rev2 board with some of the improvements I have found through testing Rev1.
The top of my list for improvements are 1) a cheaper bluetooth module available from Digikey 2) option for haptic feedback when you're not in the mood for bluetooth (maybe reading or working without a screen).
Regarding the Adafruit Bluetooth module: I would have loved to integrate a 'bare' bluetooth module and avoided using a breakout board for both cost saving and cosmetic reasons, however I didn't want to get into flashing the bluetooth firmware. If I release another revision I will try to integrate a discrete bluetooth module. For a proof of concept I think I made the right decision as the breakout board was really easy to use.
The Posture Pack also badly needs some haptic feedback. Although I spend the majority of my time next to a computer I'm curious how effective this would be walking outside. It would be easier to use as you wouldn't need to change bluetooth from laptop-phone etc.
After measuring my posture without feedback and after with bluetooth notification feedback I'm pretty happy with the result of this project. Here are the improvements I would include in another revision of the board:
1) Vibration motor for non-bluetooth posture notifcations
2) Add traces/connector for ICSP (CRITICAL!)
3) Replace R1 to 2k to increase charge rate to 500 mA
It would be neat to do a study of long term impacts of using this, could it actually improve sitting/standing posture without the notifications? I think that it likely would.
Here are some measurements before and after enabling notifications