
Wireless iPhone Charger

It is a simple Wireless iPhone charger made of DIY items. The frame or the body is made of wooden sheets. There is a little circuit board.

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It is a DIY wireless charger for iPhone users. You can make this project at home simply making the circuit board with a powerful magnet. There is a 6cm copper wire coiled round on the surface which transfer the electric flow. The magnet underneath the board helps the fast charging process. The PCB board has been purchased from JLCPCB. It is great in quality. There are some transistors, capacitors, and an ic in the circuit board. For the gradual step by step making of the video, you may watch our video on our Facebook page. Thank you.

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John Daniels wrote 11/04/2020 at 06:30 point

You mention a PCB, but there's no PCB in the photos. Got any photos of it?

Also, where does the electricity come from? Perhaps I can't tell because the PCB is missing, but this just looks like some wire glued to a piece of paper. You know that won't charge your phone, right?

You also mention "some transistors, capacitors, and an ic". Can you name them?

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sjm4306 wrote 07/23/2021 at 13:18 point

Looks like a fake clickbait project to get people to search for their facebook page

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