
Remoticon: Circuit Sculpture Workshop

In this workshop, we’ll be building a firefly together with custom jigs, brass wire, and LEDs.

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Eventbrite link: workshop requires the following:You will need these tools:Soldering ironSolderFluxPliersDiagonal cutterMasking tapeYou will need these materials:Brass wire 1mm / 0.8mmIf you can’t get brass rod, you can use copperThrough hole (THT) componentsMainly resistorsGet sample bag if you can of various sizes and valuesBut any kind of scrap components will be useful - capacitors, transistors, ICs..5mm or 3mm through hole LEDWater based modelling clay (optional)Double-sided tapeCopper foil or copper tape (optional)Power source: AA battery, Coin cells, 9V BatteryJigs: Clay, Breadboard, Wood, block of metal, Cardboard, Extra:WingsAntenna

Workshop Details:

Bring your soldering iron and hand tools to this workshop to learn how to create sculptures that actually do something!
In this workshop, we’ll be building a firefly together with custom jigs, brass wire, and LEDs.
If you’ve ever wondered how these beautiful sculptures are created, now is your chance to learn.

Instructors: This workshop is taught by Jiri Praus, Kelly Heaton, and Mohit Bhoite, all of who will be in different time zones at the time of this workshop

Jiri Praus's day job is being a full-stack developer, while at night he is an enthusiastic electronic artist combining brass, wood, acrylic, and plastic into unique electronic devices and free-form sculptures. His intricate use of 3D printed fixtures, jigs, and templates to create three-dimensional electronic circuits, sculptures, and devices is an inspiration for thousands of people around the globe.

Kelly Heaton is a mixed-media artist known for her intersection of electronics and visual art. Her creative use of technology evokes humanity’s divergence from nature, meanwhile demonstrating the power of electricity to give profound insight into life on Earth.

Mohit Bhoite works as a senior hardware engineer at Particle, where he designs and builds their flagship IoT products. He is also an avid maker who dedicates his personal time to building free-formed electronic sculptures primarily out of brass.

Further Resources:

Kelly Heaton


Kelly Heaton instagram



Recent lectures: 

Focus on my artistic electronics practice and Deep Fake Birdsong (approx 30 minute lecture)

Career survey (approx 1 hour lecture)

Jiří Praus




Mohit Bhoite




Excellent tutorial on brass soldering:
Vendors for metals
Ace Hardware

Online Metals

K&S Metals

Kelly _Heaton_Advanced_Firefly_options.mp4

If you want to make a firefly that *is* an astable multivibrator circuit...

MPEG-4 Video - 46.69 MB - 11/07/2020 at 21:23


CircuitSculpture-Remoticon 2020.pdf

Slide deck for the workshop

Adobe Portable Document Format - 33.39 MB - 11/07/2020 at 18:09



Template for the LM555 based firefly

Adobe Portable Document Format - 13.14 kB - 11/07/2020 at 18:09



Schematic for the LM555 based firefly design

Adobe Portable Document Format - 9.78 kB - 11/07/2020 at 18:09


FireFly Template.pdf

A template for a firefly you will be making today

Adobe Portable Document Format - 4.54 kB - 11/07/2020 at 12:46


View all 8 files

  • 10 × Through-hole resistors (see schematics) 1K, 2.2K, 20K, 100K
  • 2 × 2N3904 transistors Any NPN type transistors will work
  • 10 × Electrolytic capacitors 100uF, 22uF, other values are nice to have
  • 2 × LEDs green or yellow work well for a firefly
  • 1 × 555 timer

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sudolegit wrote 11/08/2020 at 18:22 point

Thanks for the walk through and video / pictures attached Kelly. Really helpful

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mmryspace wrote 11/07/2020 at 20:51 point

Hi Kelly, would it be possible to share your PDF walkthru of your firefly that Mohit shared? It would be super helpful - thanks!

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Mohit Bhoite | मोहित भोईटे wrote 11/07/2020 at 21:18 point

Its available under the files section above!

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dnk17 wrote 11/07/2020 at 14:55 point

Any way to still get into this workshop?

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Mohit Bhoite | मोहित भोईटे wrote 11/03/2020 at 19:44 point

@Janet Either a brass rod or wire will do. Ideally around 0.8mm in diameter. 

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Janet wrote 11/03/2020 at 21:41 point

Thanks! Looking forward to this very much. Cheers.

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Sophy Wong wrote 11/02/2020 at 18:47 point

Hi! Excited for this workshop! Does the copper/brass wire need to be bare (i.e. not "non-tarnishing")?

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Kelly Heaton wrote 11/06/2020 at 17:00 point

Hi Sophy! I'm so happy that you are joining us. In order to solder brass or copper the metal does need to be "bare," however, you can use sandpaper to remove any surface coating -- whether it be a protectant or oxidation.

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Sophy Wong wrote 11/07/2020 at 00:35 point

Thank you! Excellent, I found some uncoated wire in my stash :) Looking forward to it!

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Kelly Heaton wrote 10/30/2020 at 14:12 point

Hi Janet! Brass rod is not necessary, but it would be helpful because it's rigid and enables you to build architectural forms that are hard to make with wire (because it's "bendy"). Let us know if you have other questions. See you at the workshop!

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Janet wrote 11/03/2020 at 04:56 point

Ah great - thanks very much! 

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Janet wrote 10/28/2020 at 08:13 point

Hi  there - could you please clarify the materials list. It looks like we need brass wire, but is brass rod also needed? Thanks!

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