
Remoticon: World Tour Robot

Explore a backyard in Germany with the prototype of my World Tour Robot during Remoticon 2020

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The idea of my World Tour Robot is to build a camera equipped vehicle small enough to be sent around the world in a box. At the target location it will be connected to a WLAN so that live images can be transmitted to a Browser interface.

Become part of Remoticon 2020 by driving my robots during the presentation or send me an old fashioned postcard (see blog entry for details)!

Want to know how it works? Read the manual on:
and after that, have a test run in my RoboSpatium:

I am still improving the design of the World Tour Robot. The last iteration with RC hobby servos was a bit loud while driving around and the servos turned out to be not that reliable (especially the cheap ones). During Remoticon I will put a new version with stepper motors in my arena. If they perform well, I am a huge step closer to send out a first robot.

I will answer your questions during the live stream. Ask me questions in the chat room during Remoticon:

Time slot for my presentation on the live feed of Remoticon is:

Saturday November 7th, between 5:30 and 6:30pm PST which is UTC -8 or 2:30 to 3:30am on Sunday morning here in Germany

Drive my robots and so become part of Remoticon 2020

  • One of my Rovers crossed the border to Austria!

    Norbert Heinz03/20/2021 at 18:45 0 comments

    As part for the "World Exhibition" in the "Forum Stadtpark" in Graz, Austria, my Rover R17 is running around in the museum whenever the visitors are locked out. It is set free around 17:00 UTC and is online until the batteries are discharged (after sunrise). So if you'd like to see what is going when its "Night at the Museum", go to the control page of R17 and have fun:

  • Romoticon rover drivers will get a postcard from RoboSpatium!

    Norbert Heinz10/10/2020 at 07:02 0 comments

    Those of you that take the chance to drive the live view camera robot during my presentation at the live stream of Remoticon (5:30 to 6:30pm PST on Saturday 7) will get a postcard as a reward. I have done that for those spotting an Easter egg during this year's Easter holidays and it was great fun to get in contact with my audience that old fashioned way:

    And if you send me a postcard showing your project or the area you live in, it will be displayed in the arena that I am preparing for the show:

    Would be great to get your feedback the old fashioned way!

    If you think you are a bit late or want to save the money for the stamp, you can also send a virtual postcard to:

    What should your virtual postcard look like? Well it should be on picture (front side) and one hand written message (make a photo or scan of it), which is the back side of a normal postcard (use the template above).

    Thanks for participating!

View all 2 project logs

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marcilalex890 wrote 05/13/2023 at 18:07 point

There has been a great deal of value to me in my involvement with the project. Would like to share it with the TOURS PACKAGES team so they can also read it and implement something new.

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kuziwgregory wrote 11/07/2020 at 00:23 point

Great motivation for people to pursue STEM! It was me controlling your robot after a natural disaster (Y)

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Dan Maloney wrote 10/09/2020 at 20:21 point

Very cool, glad you'll be making a Remoticon appearance. Looking forward to trying out your rover.

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Norbert Heinz wrote 10/09/2020 at 21:09 point

Glad my robots were accpeted for the Remoticon. Great work from the Hackaday organizers so far. I don't feel left alone with my preparations. Must go back to my workshop and start my 3D printers for the mechanics of the overhauled robot design...

See you!

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