1 |
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Capacitor, 10uF (C1)
1 |
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Capacitor, 0.1uF (C2)
1 |
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LED, 5mm, 2V Red (D1)
2 |
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Diode, 1N4148 (D2, D3)
1 |
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2.1mm Barrel jack (J3)
1 |
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2x8 pin header (To Raspberry Pi: J4)
1 |
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Resistor, 100 Ohm (R1)
2 |
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Resistor, 10K (R2, R3)
1 |
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Linear Voltage Regulator, 5V, LM7805 (U1)
1 |
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Push Button, Part #R13-502
1 |
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Wires (To Printer Data: J1, To Printer Power: J2, To Push Button: J5)
1 |
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Raspberry Pi Zero W with Raspbian Jessie Lite 2017-03-02 installed (version important for read-only FS conversion)
1 |
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3D prints of two STL files
1 |
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Thermal receipt printer (DP-58C)
1 |
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DC power supply (12V 5A) with 2.1mm barrel jack
1 |
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1 |
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M2.5x12 and M2x6 machine screws
1 |
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Sacrificial pencil