
FreeCAD Foray: "Refrigerator Rover" Base Design.

The FreeCAD design process I used to design the Base for the Refrigerator Rover.

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A video of how I designed the base component of my Refrigerator Rover using FreeCAD.

The video is here:

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 10/09/2020 at 21:36 point

Hi Dan!

Thank you very much, I'm hopefully it helps!

FreeCAD utilizes a "one sketch creates one solid" approach to modeling, and as I tried to illustrate in the video, creating the "base" component consists of a sketch for each "solid to be", which is then "padded" (or extruded) into a the various solids that make up the base body. 

I'm still learning, but for me, it is a very viable alternative.

Thanks again!


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Dan Maloney wrote 10/09/2020 at 20:14 point

Helpful video, it makes FreeCAD look a lot more approachable than I thought. I have to give it a whirl. Thanks!

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