
The Ball-Drone Project MK II

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Single rotor, "singlecopter", selfmade drone with air vanes for position control as a full remake of the Ball-Drone Project


shengmengyi002 wrote 11/02/2021 at 02:03 point

Hello,I set the flight control according to the content of the article, but I encountered difficulties in welding the motor and servos. I'd like to know which positions on the flight control correspond to A03, B01, etc. in the CLI? Can you help me?

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Pablo Semper wrote 05/23/2021 at 22:13 point

Hello, I'm really impressed with your project: balldrone II !!!. I'm doing a bit of the reproduction of it, to be able to experience it. I ask you, what other servo can be installed, because those that are within my reach are all bigger and do not fit in the lower ring. Any suggestions not to touch anything from the original model? Thank you in advance and congratulations!

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