
Failed TV blocking glasses.

On a rainy Sunday afternoon...

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The wife is playing a 3rd person console game on the living room TV that was giving me a headache, so I made these glasses by reversing the arms on standard polarised light 3D cinema glasses.

It it does make the TV screen black out but only if one is looking right at it, or tilts their noggin in a funny way.

So, not exactly useful for stopping a headache.

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Dan Maloney wrote 11/04/2020 at 17:33 point

"Paradoxically useless" is all I ever hoped to be, lol.

Actually, I do appreciate your posting this. Gets one thinking about how you could make glasses to edit out parts of a scene effectively. Perhaps LCD screens controlled by a machine vision system that recognizes the TV and turns on just the pixels needed to blot out the screen?

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rog77 wrote 11/04/2020 at 20:53 point

On a hazy Sunday afternoon, I once put an extra set of filters in some of those glasses and messed with the positioning/reversing/flipping, in the end I had a double lodestone type effect, presumably from Rayleigh Scattering - the sky was a rainbow, and they were opposite for each eye. 

I was thinking of 45beGone last night, but alas, have spent more time reading than doing practical stuff... Still if I run into someone knocking about who is handy with FPGAs and/or tensor flow lite, I have the bits to knock out a prototype tomorrow.

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Gerben wrote 11/02/2020 at 16:08 point

Nice idea. Sorry it didn't work out.

LCD displays are polarized at  45° (or 135°?), as far as I can see from a quick search.

All "anti-glare" polarized sunglasses are vertically polarized.

So you need to rotate the glasses, so that their polarization is 90degrees off of that of the TV.

Might I suggest getting some polarizing film (from an old LCD display), and sticking it to some glasses at the correct angle. Maybe you can pop out the current "glasses" out of that frame; trace them onto the polarizing film, and pop that back into the frame.

Best of luck.

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rog77 wrote 11/04/2020 at 20:10 point

Thanks :-) 

I think you would want to spin the lenses, but can't see it being practical for me. Piezo motors? 

I am unsure, but for fun, I wonder if one could not design a lcd to polarise light to a given arbitrary degree, by structuring a series of electrodes in a polygon? A bit ambitious maybe, but could one stick that in an active contact lense and power it via inductive loop? 

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Gerben wrote 11/05/2020 at 17:07 point

Sorry about that. I didn't read carefully enough and though you were using polarized sunglasses.

I tried it out with my polarizing sunglasses. I had to put them on my head at 45 degrees for the display to "disappear". Which must have looked funny. Slightly tilting my head makes it appear again, though somewhat dimmed. Turning away has the same effect.

Next I tried it with polarizing film. That had pretty much the same effect.

I tried multiple layers, just for kicks, but there is no way to make it work without being almost perfectly aligned.

I like your "auto leveling rotating lens" idea though.

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fjkraan wrote 11/01/2020 at 20:49 point

Thanks for reporting what doesn't work.

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rog77 wrote 11/02/2020 at 03:13 point

It's not so much that it doesn't work, rather that it's paradoxically useless, as you have to be looking right at the thing you're trying to ignore :-)

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