
3D printable miniature plotter chassis

Sources files and startting base to build a mini plotter , manual or driven by stepper motors. Using classic 3D/CNC cheap parts.

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I started this project because it was so hard to put the SMD PCB Stencils in the right position. I wanted a manual X-Y opensource plotter which would require the minimum of alibaba chinese parts. Most of electronic PCBs are small so I did not want to waste money and the planet to purchase a huge tool. I wanted something we could customize , modify... This basic plotter work was designed in 24 hours using solidworks ( I have the chance to have a licence for this cool software). After I made the tool with only the PCB plotter goald in mind, I realized that it can be modified to build a small 12x12 cm CNC or laser cutter, even a pick and place machine.

I'm postting the sources in the hope we can build a community of people to modify it and expand the possibilities.

MorphStencil - bouton-1.STL

knob (up part)

- 348.91 kB - 11/08/2020 at 13:30


MorphStencil - MorphStencil - YAXIS-1 bouton-1.STL

knob low part

- 348.91 kB - 11/08/2020 at 13:30


MorphStencil - cadre-1.STL

Chassis up part

- 108.77 kB - 11/08/2020 at 13:30


MorphStencil - solidariseur-1.STL

Slider Up part

- 431.53 kB - 11/08/2020 at 13:30


MorphStencil - solidariseur - inferieur-1.STL

Sloder low part

- 482.89 kB - 11/08/2020 at 13:30


View all 7 files

  • First modification

    pcadic11/11/2020 at 17:43 0 comments

    I had time to build the first 3D printed parts and found a few mistakes.  I corrected the 3D STL FILES under solidworks for the next print.  

  • First modification

    pcadic11/11/2020 at 17:43 0 comments

    I had time to build the first 3D printed parts and found a few mistakes.  I corrected the 3D STL FILES under solidworks for the next print.  

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    List of mechanical parts

    You will need to get this list of mechnical parts.

    All screws are 3 mm screxs

View all instructions

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tetref wrote 12/20/2020 at 14:03 point

I tried to assemble it in a CAD program and it doesn't fit the holes in KFL08 and one part even collides....

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