Ice melting...
12/10/2020 at 21:35 • 0 commentsUsing the code in one of the posts, I made a timelapse using my Nikon camera of some ice cubes melting. Since it is computer controlled and the files are copied back to a local PC, you could run this for days! You could also increase the resolution to 4K and beyond if you wanted. This video was then assembled with shotcut. Enjoy!
Parse the string for \
12/10/2020 at 03:34 • 2 commentsHere is the helper function that, for every '\' in the path, it makes sure it is \\ so that printf works correctly...
function [ret] = parse_dir_add_slash(dir_in) % Search for the '\' character in the string temp = strfind(dir_in, '\'); % For every \ in the string, make sure it is \\ so that it will print correctly ret = ''; if ~isempty(temp) for ii = 1 : length(temp) if ii == 1 ret = [ret dir_in(1 : (temp(ii) - 1)) '\\']; else ret = [ret dir_in((temp(ii - 1) + 1) : (temp(ii) - 1)) '\\']; end end end % If the input string doesn't end with a \, add the rest of the string if temp(end) < length(dir_in) ret = [ret dir_in((temp(end) + 1) : end)]; end
Complete MATLAB script file
12/09/2020 at 16:59 • 0 commentsHere is the complete MATLAB script file to automatically take a picture, copy to the local PC, convert to TIFF, and then open in MATLAB. Note that my "pause" times worked for my PC - you might have to adjust them for your PC. I tried to comment the heck out of it. Enjoy!
%% Identification % Science Dude 1990 % December 9, 2020 % %% Code % Take a photo with a Nikon D3100 and transfer to local PC, load it in % MATLAB %% Clean up clc close all clear drawnow %% Parameters % Pause after picture taken (allow time for shutter, and file write to % camera SD card) pause_after_pic = 6; % COM port com_port = 5; % BAUD rate baud_rate = 9600; % Data bits data_bits = 8; % Camera directory camera_dir = 'Computer\D3100\Removable storage\DCIM\100TEST_'; % Current directory current_dir = pwd; %% Open the COM port, set the register to take the picture % The serial port s = serial(['COM' num2str(com_port)], 'BaudRate', baud_rate, 'DataBits', data_bits, 'Terminator', 'CR'); fopen(s); % Send the commands pause(1); % Read the register for reference fprintf(s, 'r37'); pause(1); % Set PORTB to 1, then 3, to take a picture fprintf(s, 'w37=1'); pause(1); fprintf(s, 'w37=3'); pause(pause_after_pic); fprintf(s, 'w37=0'); % Save the response from the microcontroller scan_count = 1; tmp = {}; while s.BytesAvailable > 1 tmp{scan_count} = fscanf(s); scan_count = scan_count + 1; end % Close the serial port fclose(s); %% Go get the photo from the camera to the local PC % Assumes the explorer views of the camera and current directory are % already open, ready to copy the file from the camera to the local % directory % Create active x server h = actxserver('WScript.Shell'); % Raise the camera explorer view temp = h.AppActivate(camera_dir); pause(1); if temp ~= 1 error('Could not raise camera directory'); end % Work around to get focus to the picture in the camera h.SendKeys('%{TAB}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('%{TAB}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.05); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.05); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.05); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.05); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.05); h.SendKeys('{DOWN}'); pause(1); % "Cut" the file from the camera h.SendKeys('^x'); pause(1); % Raise the local folder temp = h.AppActivate(current_dir); pause(1); if temp ~= 1 error('Could not raise local directory'); end % Work around to get focus to the directory h.SendKeys('%{TAB}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('%{TAB}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('{TAB}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('{DOWN}'); pause(0.1); % "Paste" the picture from the camera h.SendKeys('^v'); % Let the file get moved pause(5); % Copy the filename of the new picture to the clipboard h.SendKeys('{F2}'); pause(0.1); h.SendKeys('^c'); % Let the filename get picked up by the clipboard pause(0.1); %% Back to MATLAB, create the .bat file to raise Nikon NX-D to convert to TIFF % Back to MATLAB temp = h.AppActivate('MATLAB R2019a'); if temp ~= 1 error('Could not raise MATLAB window'); end % Get the filename of the picture from the clipboard pic_filename = clipboard('paste'); % Create the bat file to launch Nikon NX-D fid = fopen('test.bat', 'w'); fprintf(fid, 'cd \\\r\n'); fprintf(fid, 'cd "Program Files"\r\n'); fprintf(fid, 'cd Nikon\r\n'); fprintf(fid, 'cd "Capture NX-D"\r\n'); fprintf(fid, 'cd Module\r\n'); fprintf(fid, ['start "" "CaptureNX-D.exe" ' parse_dir_add_slash(current_dir) '\\' pic_filename '.NEF"\r\n']); fprintf(fid, 'exit\r\n'); fclose(fid); pause(1); %% Run the bat file to raise Nikon Capture NX-D % Run the bat file status = system('test.bat &'); % Let NX-D open pause(12); % Get the java robot import java.awt.Robot import java.awt.event.* my_robot = Robot; % Bring the window to the foreground temp = h.AppActivate('Capture NX-D'); if (temp ~= 1) error('Could not raise NX-D'); end disp('Kick off conversion'); % Work around to get proper focus in NX-D % Press the tab key twice pause(0.5); my_robot.keyPress(9); pause(0.5); my_robot.keyRelease(9); pause(0.5); my_robot.keyPress(9); pause(0.5); my_robot.keyRelease(9); % Kick off the conversion, i.e., CTRL-E pause(0.2); my_robot.keyPress(17); pause(0.2); my_robot.keyPress(69); pause(0.2); my_robot.keyRelease(69); pause(0.2); my_robot.keyRelease(17); % Let window raise pause(0.8); % Press enter (assumes TIFF 16 bit already selected) my_robot.keyPress(10); pause(0.2); my_robot.keyRelease(10); % NX-D will raise the window for conversion - it will force focus as it % converts pause(5); %% Back to MATLAB to load the file figure(1); clf text(0.4, 0.4, 'Waiting for TIFF creation...'); set(1, 'currentchar', ' ') title_str = {'.', '..', '...', '....'}; title_count = 0; % Wait for the TIF file to be created, or until the user presses something while get(1, 'currentchar') == ' ' % Set MATLAB to be the window of focus h.AppActivate('MATLAB R2019a'); % Bring the figure window to the top figure(1); % Give it the changing title so the user knows code is executing title(title_str{title_count + 1}); title_count = mod(title_count + 1, 4); temp = dir([pic_filename '.tif']); if isempty(temp) pause(0.5); else set(1, 'currentchar', 'a'); end end % Expect the .tif file to be present if isempty(temp) error('File not created'); end % Activate MATLAB again temp = h.AppActivate('MATLAB R2019a'); if temp ~= 1 error('Failed to raise MATLAB'); end % Load the picture temp_pic = imread([pic_filename '.tif']); % Show the picture figure(2); imshow(temp_pic);
MATLAB code to convert RAW to TIFF
12/05/2020 at 01:58 • 0 commentsI couldn't find a way to load and process the Nikon 12-bit RAW files from the D3100 directly with MATLAB. So, I found a way from MATLAB to kick off the NX-D software and perform the conversion.
First, to run the program, I had to use a .bat file. This could be created in MATLAB, then executed. The main idea is to have the Capture NX-D program open with the required file highlighted. Also, you need to have run NX-D before to set all the settings (output directory, 16-bit TIFF, etc.).
cd \ cd "Program Files" cd Nikon cd "Capture NX-D" cd Module start "" "CaptureNX-D.exe" C:\path_to_file\DSC_5097.NEF" exit
Once NX-D is running, then you can use the Java robot to send the keys to start. Here is the MATLAB code to run the .bat file, and then kick off the conversion.
%% Code % Raise the Nikon Capture NX-D program with a specified filename, and kick % off a capture close all clear % Raise Nikon Capture NX-D program with the correct file highlighted (see % test.bat) status = system('test.bat &'); % Create active x server h = actxserver('WScript.Shell'); % Get the java robot import java.awt.Robot import java.awt.event.* my_robot = Robot; % Bring the window to the foreground temp = h.AppActivate('Capture NX-D'); % Check to see that the window came up if temp == 1 % Kick off the conversion, i.e., CTRL-E pause(0.1); my_robot.keyPress(17); pause(0.1); my_robot.keyPress(69); pause(0.1); my_robot.keyRelease(69); pause(0.1); my_robot.keyRelease(17); % Let window raise pause(0.5); % Press enter (assumes TIFF 16 bit already selected) my_robot.keyPress(10); pause(0.1); my_robot.keyRelease(10); end
Main code for ATMEGA328PB
12/05/2020 at 01:47 • 0 commentsHere is the main code for the ATMEGA328PB. Note that this is for a xplained board.
The main idea of the code is to allow read and write of the MCU registers over the USART port (which for the xplained board, is a virtual COM port that is accessible over USB). So, you set the serial port program to 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, and then to write the PORTB register, you type in something like w37=1 or w37=3 (i.e., decimal 37 is 0x25). Please see the latest ATMEGA328PB datasheet, page 445 for the register map.
#include <avr/io.h> // For the ATMEGA328PB xplained, 16 MHz is available on the external clock // So, in the fuses section, LOW.CKDIV8 is unchecked // LOW.SUT_CKSEL is set to Ext. Clock; Start-up time PWRDWN/RESET: 6 CK/14 CK + 65 ms #define F_CPU 16000000UL #include <util/delay.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include "main.h" // Place to store a string for USART communication static char temp_string[64]; // Simple routine to output a serial string to the UART void print_serial(const char * const print_string) { uint8_t temp = 0; while (temp < strlen(print_string)) { if ((UCSR0A & 0x20) == 0) { // Do nothing _delay_us(10); } else { // Send a byte UDR0 = (uint8_t) print_string[temp]; temp = temp + 1; } } // Send ASCII 13 and 10 temp = 0; while (temp < 2) { if ((UCSR0A & 0x20) == 0) { // Do nothing _delay_us(10); } else { if (temp == 0) { UDR0 = 13; } if (temp == 1) { UDR0 = 10; } temp = temp + 1; } } } // Place to store the user input static uint8_t rx_in_buffer[64]; // The count of user input static uint8_t rx_in_buffer_count = 0; ISR(USART0_RX_vect) { // Read the character from the buffer uint8_t temp = UDR0; // Put the character in the buffer rx_in_buffer[rx_in_buffer_count] = temp; // Increment the count rx_in_buffer_count = rx_in_buffer_count + 1; // Count has to be less than 63 if (rx_in_buffer_count > 63) { rx_in_buffer_count = 63; } // If the character is carriage return, process the command if (temp == 13) { go_process_command(); } } void go_process_command() { // Print some characters in the buffer //snprintf(temp_string, 64, "Rx: %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d", rx_in_buffer[0], rx_in_buffer[1], rx_in_buffer[2], rx_in_buffer[3], rx_in_buffer[4], rx_in_buffer[5]); //print_serial(temp_string); // The read command if ((rx_in_buffer[0] == 114) || (rx_in_buffer[0] == 82)) { // The read command, r or R, expect decimal, for example, expect r72 to read 0x48, OCR0B //print_serial("r/R"); // The location of the carriage return uint8_t ind_13 = 0; // Find character 13 for (uint8_t ii = 1; ii < 64; ii++) { if (rx_in_buffer[ii] == 13) { ind_13 = ii; break; } } // Where character 13 was found //snprintf(temp_string, 64, "Char13: %d", ind_13); //print_serial(temp_string); // For processing the register address (convert ASCII characters to addr) uint8_t found_it = 0; uint16_t addr = 0; uint16_t pow_10 = 1; // If ind_13 was found, build up addr if (ind_13 > 1) { for (uint8_t ii = (ind_13 - 1); ii > 0; ii--) { if ((rx_in_buffer[ii] >= 48) || (rx_in_buffer[ii] <= 57)) { addr = addr + (rx_in_buffer[ii] - 48) * pow_10; pow_10 = pow_10 * 10; found_it = 1; } else { // Unexpected character found_it = 0; break; } } } // Print the address and whether the parsing was as expected //snprintf(temp_string, 64, "addr: %u, found_it: %d", addr, found_it); //print_serial(temp_string); // Print the register value if (found_it == 1) { volatile uint8_t * reg_addr = (uint8_t *) addr; uint8_t temp_value = *reg_addr; snprintf(temp_string, 64, "Reg: %u (%#x) = %d (%#x)", addr, addr, temp_value, temp_value); print_serial(temp_string); } } else if ((rx_in_buffer[0] == 119) || (rx_in_buffer[0] == 87)) { // The write command, w or W, for example, expect w72=4 //print_serial("w/W"); // The location of the carriage return uint8_t ind_13 = 0; // Find character 13, carriage return for (uint8_t ii = 1; ii < 64; ii++) { if (rx_in_buffer[ii] == 13) { ind_13 = ii; break; } } // The location of the = uint8_t ind_eq = 0; for (uint8_t ii = 1; ii < 64; ii++) { if (rx_in_buffer[ii] == 61) { ind_eq = ii; break; } } // Where character = and 13 were found //snprintf(temp_string, 64, "Char=: %d, 13: %d", ind_eq, ind_13); //print_serial(temp_string); if ((ind_eq > 1) && ((ind_eq + 1) < ind_13)) { // For processing the register address (convert ASCII characters to addr) uint8_t found_it = 0; uint16_t addr = 0; uint16_t pow_10 = 1; // Get the register address for (uint8_t ii = (ind_eq - 1); ii > 0; ii--) { if ((rx_in_buffer[ii] >= 48) || (rx_in_buffer[ii] <= 57)) { addr = addr + (rx_in_buffer[ii] - 48) * pow_10; pow_10 = pow_10 * 10; found_it = 1; } else { // Unexpected character found_it = 0; break; } } // Print the address and whether the parsing was as expected //snprintf(temp_string, 64, "addr: %u, found_it: %d", addr, found_it); //print_serial(temp_string); // Attempt to set the register value if (found_it == 1) { // Print the current value of the register volatile uint8_t * reg_addr = (uint8_t *) addr; //snprintf(temp_string, 64, "Reg: %u = %d, old value", addr, *reg_addr); //print_serial(temp_string); // Now, parse the value found_it = 0; pow_10 = 1; uint16_t in_val = 0; // Get the value for (uint8_t ii = (ind_13 - 1); ii > ind_eq; ii--) { if ((rx_in_buffer[ii] >= 48) || (rx_in_buffer[ii] <= 57)) { in_val = in_val + (rx_in_buffer[ii] - 48) * pow_10; pow_10 = pow_10 * 10; found_it = 1; } else { // Unexpected character found_it = 0; break; } } // Print the value and whether the parsing was as expected //snprintf(temp_string, 64, "New value: %d, found_it: %d", in_val, found_it); //print_serial(temp_string); if ((found_it == 1) && (in_val <= 255)) { // Write the value *reg_addr = (uint8_t) in_val; snprintf(temp_string, 64, "Reg: %u (%#x) = %d, new value", addr, addr, in_val); print_serial(temp_string); } } } } else { print_serial("Command error"); } // Last things to do // Set the buffer count to 0 rx_in_buffer_count = 0; // Clear the buffer for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < 64; ii++) { rx_in_buffer[ii] = 0; } } int main(void) { // Get the UART ready UBRR0H = 0; // Oscillator is 16 MHz, 9600 is decimal 103 UBRR0L = 103; // Enable Rx interrupt, enable Rx, enable Tx UCSR0B = (1 << 7) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 3); // Enable RXCIE1, Enable Tx and Rx UCSR0C = (0 << 6) | (0 << 4) | (0 << 3) | (3 << 1); // Asynchronous, No parity, 8 bits _delay_ms(1); // Enable interrupts SREG |= (1 << 7); // PB5 is the USER_LED, labeled D200 on the ATMEGA328PB xplained board // PB0 and PB1 for the shutter control DDRB = (1 << 0) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 5); PORTB = 0; // Blink the LED waiting for serial port input print_serial("Go time!"); while (1) { //PORTB &= 255 - (1 << 5); //_delay_ms(500); //PORTB |= (1 << 5); //_delay_ms(500); _delay_ms(1); } }
Header file for ATMEGA328PB
12/05/2020 at 01:45 • 4 commentsHere is the header file (main.h) for the ATMEGA328PB (xplained board).
#ifndef MAIN_H_ #define MAIN_H_ // Serial port stuff #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> // Printing a string to the serial port void print_serial(const char * const print_string); // Given an input array, process the command void go_process_command(); #endif // MAIN_H_