5Step 5:
- Download the given zip files and extract them.
- Open the RGB Tube code & software file, open the code given in Arduino IDE.
- Install the FastLED library in Arduino IDE.
- You can enter the number of LEDs you used in your tube lights , I used 65 LEDs in each tube lights, i.e. 130 LEDs in both tube lights.
#define NUM_LEDS 130
- Connect the Arduino to your PC, select the board type, select the port and upload the code.
- Remember the port number. (for example: com8)
6Step 6:
- Install the prismatik software in your PC.
- Open the software and click on device.
Click on Run configuration wizard and simply click on Next -> Next.
Enter the Serial Port number and click Next -> Next
Enter the number of LEDs at sides (i.e. in my case top=0,side=65,bottom=0) and click on custom -> Next
Adjust the sliders to get white color on the tube lights and click on finish.
Now you can choose different mode in the software and display on tube lights.
NOTE: The Arduino should be connected to the PC.
7Step 7:
- Open the Button_Tube code in Arduino IDE.
- With this code you can change the color of the Tube Lights with the push of button.
- Install the Pushbutton library by clicking on sketch ->Include library -> Add zip library and select the Pushbutton-2.0 zip file in Button_Tube file.
Enter the number of LEDs
#define NUM_LEDS 130
In this code you can enter the values of the colors at
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++){ leds[i] = CRGB(255, 30,0); FastLED.show();
You can copy paste the color values from color picker
Connect the Arduino to your PC, select the board type, select the port and upload the code.
- You can make this lights portable by using a power bank or some batteries.
- By using any Wi-Fi board like ESP8266 or ESP32 you can change the colors of the tube lights with a mobile app.
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